For the last two years Rebecca Ramjiawan has been a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the John Adams Institute (JAI), Oxford University, based at CERN, working on the AWAKE project. Rebecca joined JAI Oxford in 2015 as a DPhil student; her thesis was on low-latency beam-stabilisation feedback systems for linear electron-positron colliders and she was awarded her DPhil in 2019. Her current research is focussed on design studies for the AWAKE Run 2 proton and electron transfer lines. The challenging requirements for the experiment require the use of novel beamline design techniques, including multi-objective optimisation with genetic algorithms. Rebecca has just been awarded a CERN Fellowship for work on the transfer line designs for future accelerators, which she will start in September. This research will include studies of the FCC beam transfer and safe dump at every stage of the complex, and transfer line proposals for Physics Beyond Colliders projects such as the Beam Dump Facility. Congratulations Rebecca!