In yet more good news for the JAI, two current University of Oxford DPhil students, Eugenio Senes and Jan Paszkiewicz have been offered CERN fellowships.

Eugenio joined the JAI at the start of his DPhil in 2017 having spent the previous year working as a technical student at CERN. Over the course of his DPhil, Eugenio has worked on developing beam position monitor systems for the AWAKE, proton-driven plasma wakefield experiment. His fellowship position will build on this work, as well as many other aspects of the AWAKE experiment beam instrumentation. His main project will be to continue the development of a Cherenkov diffraction radiation based beam position monitor to detect the electron beam position while it propagates together with the much more intense proton beam.

Jan joined the JAI in 2016 at the start of his DPhil. His work over the past few years has been focussed on investigating vacuum breakdowns in the high-power RF systems needed for the Compact Linear Collider and its technological offshoots. His research has involved a combination of state of the art simulations as well as experimental verification of these using the CERN XBox facility. His fellowship will focus on performing vital upgrades to the longitudinal beam dynamics feedback system for CERN's Proton Synchrotron, a key part of the upcoming high luminosity upgrade to the LHC.