The John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science has hosted the 3rd Low Emittance Ring Workshop in Oxford on July 8th-10th. The workshop was attended by more than 80 scientists representing 25 institutes and brought together accelerator experts from the community of light sources, colliders and damping rings. The workshop was organised in five sessions covering many aspects of the design and operation of low emittance accelerators, the challenges with collective effects and the most recent technology advancements in magnets, vacuum and diagnostics design.

Following the construciton of MAX-IV 200pm ring, many low emittance light sources projects are under development. Plan for the ESRF upgrade to a 140 pm lattice were discussed and various programmes for upgrading existing facilities like Diamond, SLS and SOLEIL were presented. The workshop included a vibrant session on technology, notably magnets and vacuum, showing that the emphasis is moving towards the actual engineering and construction of such rings. The presentations are available on theĀ workshop website. On the photo above - Workshop delegates outside the Denys Wilkinson Building.
About 15 PhD students attended the workshop and a special poster session was organised for presenting their research work. A PhD poster prize was awarded ex-aequo to Eirini Koukovini Platia (CERN) for her research on stripline kicker design at CERN and Simone Liuzzo (ESRF) for his beam dynamics studies on the ESRF upgrade.

S. Liuzzo and E. Koukovini Platia with the workshop organisers R. Bartolini, S. Guiducci and Y. Papaphilippou
The workshop was supported by the Eucard2 project and the Insititue of Physics. EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement 312453.