Join us on Thursday 18th April in the Denis Sciama lecture theatre for a JAI seminar on Advanced Research in IOTA: Beyond PIP-II, Nonlinear Dynamics, Optical Stochastic Cooling and Quantum Science.

Fermilab’s flagship particle physics program is focused on the international neutrino experiment DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) aimed at a comprehensive understanding of the mysterious ‘neutrino’ sector in the Standard Model. The program
requires generation of intense beams of neutrinos via high intensity proton beams, in the Fermilab accelerator complex known as PIP-II. Schemes to generate and sustain high intensity proton beams in a stable manner requires high level control
of the confining nonlinear electromagnetic fields confining the beam against various scattering and self-fields arising from collective Coulomb interaction (space charge). A prototype test storage ring IOTA -- conceived, designed, constructed
and currently under operation at Fermilab – allows the beam physics community to explore for the first-time advanced concepts to go beyond PIP-II, and in addition allows various advanced fundamental beam dynamics concepts e.g. nonlinear dynamics
of ‘integrable optics’ test electromagnetic lattice, optical stochastic phase-space cooling of charged particles and testing various ‘quantum science’ concepts such as ‘quantum entanglement’ for a single electron and associated photon fields.
The lecture will provide a high-level overview of the IOTA program.