SuperB mini-workshop at Oxford

SuperB mini-workshop at Oxford

The John Adams Institute and the Physics Department of QMUL hosted the SuperB mini-workshop.

The John Adams Institute and the Physics Department of QMUL organised a mini-workshop to explore the possible interests of the UK accelerator and detector communities in the recently funded SuperB project.

The aim was to provide updated information on the various aspects of the project and to participate in discussions so that anyone with a potential interest in SuperB had the opportunity to step forward and participate.

The meeting took place at Jesus College, Oxford on 18th and 19th of May 2011 and was attended by more than 30 UK scientists. The plenary introductory session was opened by presentations by Dr. Marica Biagini and Dr. Pantaleo Raimondi, Accelerator Head of the SuperB, of INFN/LNF on the status of the project and on the accelerator design, followed by overview of UK accelerators science by Prof. J. Womersley, Director of Science Programmes of STFC, concluding with the physics overview talk presented by Dr. Adrian Bevan. Two parallel sessions in the afternoon focused on detailed discussions for the accelerator and detectors. Agenda and presentations are available here.

Closer links between scientists interested in the SuperB, both in accelerators and detectors were established. Fruitful discussions took place on the possible way forward to engage a larger UK community and to create common working groups in area of interest for SuperB.

Several activities were identified were the UK could make a significant contribution to SuperB. These are: on the accelerator side the low emittance tuning techniques, instability analysis, magnets hardware and feedback systems, final focus design. On the detector side the development of advanced techniques for the Silicon Vertex Detector. On both sides -- the machine detector interface -- the UK expertise is applicable for both accelerator and detector.