Graduate Lectures

Graduate Lectures


Accelerator Physics Lectures

For the Michaelmas and Hilary Terms, the graduate lectures are given by Prof. Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Dr. Suzie Sheehy, Dr. Hector Garcia-Morales and other colleagues.

The syllabus for the 2020-21 JAI graduate course can be found in the student handbook.

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The first series of lectures are given in the Michaelmas term of each year. The format in Michaelmas Term 2020 is 24 one-hour lectures supplemented by six two-hour Tutorials. The course includes a basic grounding in particle accelerators (transverse and longitudinal dynamics, beam imperfections, RF acceleration,beam diagnostics & instrumentation, and synchrotron radiation) as well as in plasma physics and lasers to prepare students for the development of laser-driven devices for particle acceleration.

The aim of the tutorials is to show the students how to use standard simulation and design software tools which calculate important design features of an accelerator. Specialists in the fields of machine lattice, cavities and magnets will lead the classes. At the end of each class students should be able to run simple data input sets for each program.

The slides and other resources from each lecture in Michaelmas 2020 can be found on the course Indico page.

In Term II, Hilary Term, topics which will be covered in the lectures are: magnet design, non-linear dynamics, space-charge effects, beam-beam effects, linear colliders & free-electron lasers, beamlines for fixed-target experiments, cyclotrons for various applications, vacuum & surface science, injection, transfer lines and extraction, and particle sources.


The lectures will be supplemented by weekly tutorials that will apply the skills learned in the first term to prepare the Student Design Project for the study of a new accelerator. Participating students will hand in draft chapters of different parts of a design report for marking at each of the tutorials.

The slides and other resources from each lecture in Hilary 2021 can be found on the course Indico page.